Optimized Operations - so you can focus on Science
Be ready for the future
DECTRIS CLOUD uses the latest cloud technology to enable cutting edge science for you and your users. Everything at a predictable budget with the flexibility to scale when you need it. Focus on science, the rest is taken care of.

Your Benefits
Built for your users
DECTRIS CLOUD has easy-to-use processing and analysis tools - so you can focus on the experiment.
Predictable Costs
The yearly licenses allow you to be aware of your costs and have the flexibility to adjust it to your needs. Whether you need more resources next year or you want to stop during a shutdown, we got you covered.
Operational Efficiency
Share your workflow and code with your users and rest assured the code works on their end. Automated workflows help you to improve the efficiency even further.
Peak Computation Power
Process experiment data with default or self-written pipelines whenever you need to – regardless of what the other beamlines are up to.
Compliant & Efficient Data Management
DECTRIS CLOUD is designed to store your data following FAIR principles. Persistent identifiers enable data reusability and traceability. Everything with fixed long- term storage costs.
Reliable and Secure
DECTRIS CLOUD offers a secure and fully managed network and service architecture for encrypted uploads and communication, based on industry-leading standards and verified through certified penetration tests.
See how DECTRIS CLOUD works

How your users experience DECTRIS CLOUD
DECTRIS CLOUD connects facilities from around the world with one goal: to make collaborative data analysis simpler for users.
Data is directly uploaded to DECTRIS CLOUD via a dedicated high bandwidth uplink, making it available to users in <3 seconds - wherever they are.
Users have central access to data from all facilities, even though your data is physically stored on your continent. No more copying and transferring of data.
This central data access is the gateway to effective collaboration. Once in the cloud, you and your users can access data from highly scalable compute clusters, share it with others or publish it in the Open Data Repository.
All of this runs on fully managed hardware and software infrastructure, for you and your users.
Scalable and customizable yearly licenses
DECTRIS CLOUD is customizable for the specific needs of each lab, facility and beamline. And so are the license and cost, ensuring that you get the most value and avoid unused resources.
The yearly licenses are designed to give you the possibility of growing your compute and data needs over time. Going into a shutdown? Just stop the subscription and avoid costs for unused infrastructure.
At the same time, a long lasting Master Service Agreement ensures predictable budgeting and consistent policies over the years to come. No large investments, even if you scale your needs in the future.
And even if you stop using DECTRIS CLOUD, we guarantee that your users' data remains stored and accessible for up to 10 years.

Share and reuse algorithms on highest performance clusters
Share with your users not only data but also processing jobs, software environments and analysis tools. Spend less time troubleshooting software issues of your users and more time discussing insights.
Give your algorithms and tools the power they need by choosing an appropriate amount of CPUs and/or GPUs from the latest generations. Access thousands of CPUs per beamline running on TBits file access speeds. Fully managed, so your IT and software experts can focus on performance, and not maintaining legacy code.
Reuse tools from the community either from the open software repository or directly from your collaborators. Focus on the experiments, results and new developments rather than on coding and reinstalling software and libraries that already exists.
FAIR and Secure by Design
Following FAIR principles, we strongly support open access of software and data. Data archiving includes guaranteed accessibility over several years, compliant with ExPANDs and PANOSC recommendations for research grants.
With the secure networks, service architecture and certified third party penetration tests, DECTRIS CLOUD is built on highest cybersecurity standards.
And by minimizing the need for remote user access to facility VPNs you take advantage of improved security for your facility network.

The structure of DECTRIS CLOUD licenses is designed to flexibly meet the specific needs of facilities and their laboratories. An annual license provides the foundation, offering a core set of features for cloud-based work and ensuring accessibility for users on DECTRIS CLOUD. It establishes the connection and infrastructure necessary for you and your users to collaborate effectively.
Download the Service DescriptionFAST
Entry ticket to use DECTRIS CLOUD and make it available to your users
- Software uploader on your own infrastructure
- Up to 256 simultaneous CPUs
- 1 API endpoint for tasks
- FAIR tracking of data origin and ownership
Use DECTRIS CLOUD on a regular basis with your users
- Hub uploader with dedicated uplink
- Up to 512 simultaneous CPUs
- 2 API endpoint for tasks
- FAIR tracking of data origin and ownership
Do it yourself
0.5 TB
100 GB
Up to 256
NVIDIA A10 (1h = 1GPUh)
Basic live update
>=25 Gbits included
Hub with guaranteed maintenance
1 TB
250 GB
Up to 512
1 node
Up to 128
NVIDIA A10 (1h = 1GPUh)
NVIDIA V100 (0.5h = 1 GPUh)
Basic live update
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