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Direct upload from beamline to the cloud

Already during acquisition,  detector images are uploaded close to real time into the cloud. Within seconds, raw- and metadata become available for processing: all around the world and regardless where your collaborators are.


Manage, browse and share user beamtime data

Data acquired during beatime is assigned to experiments - browse, access and view it via our easy-to-use web application. Somebody else needs access? Simply add new collaborators by click of a button.


Secure and redundant archiving powered by renewable energy

Once in the cloud, raw- and meta-data cannot be changed by anybody. We keep it shared across 3 physical locations for a minimum of 5 years. You and your users' data can rest assured.

ROADMAP - What's next

Automated processing, peak performance, offline analysis and more

The next milestone is a highly scalable compute environment for fully automated processing pipelines. Our aim: so you can handle even the most demanding users. More on that by middle of 2024.

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